Colour up your life

You can have absolute certainty in choosing the colours that are going to make you look great. Colours that will flatter you and make you look younger and healthier.

Colour is the single most important factor in determining your image. Colour affects mood, apparent body shape, energy levels, perceived age and your overall, emotional response. Differing skin types, colouring and body types interact with colour in different ways.

  • Pulling it all together is so easy when you know the best colours for your clothes, your make-up and your hair.
  • Basic colour type matching is widely available. Usually it identifies people as one of four seasons (summer, winter, autumn or spring) which represent groups of compatible colours.
  • But your colour type is probably more complex than this. Most people are a mix of two seasons, and the balance between them can change over time and with situations.

Controlling and using these subtleties can add dramatically to your image impact.

Personal style and image consultant Sandra Barnsley offers advanced colour typing, with special emphasis on the planned use of colour to enhance varied image effects. She’ll show you how to build a cost-effective wardrobe in which every item adds to your image and self confidence.

  • Your personal Colour Consultation with Sandra Barnsley includes personal make-up application (using colours and techniques to make you look more attractive and younger), a beautiful Colour Swatch and Workbook.
  • Never again do you need to waste money on clothes that don’t make you look your best, that you don’t feel comfortable in and shouldn’t wear.